Monday, August 30, 2021
Check in: Noon ~ Simultaneous Start: 1:00 pm ~ Dinner 6:00 pm
Mental Health America of Licking County invites you to an event
to remember a great man and to raise money for a great cause.
Dear Friends,
Mental Health America of Licking County (MHALC) is holding the 8th Annual Lou Mitchell Memorial Golf Outing on August 30, 2021 to raise funds for our Suicide Prevention Program. We are grateful to have permission from Lou Mitchell’s family to use his name to raise awareness about preventing suicides. Won’t you join us in this great cause? On the reverse you will find information to sponsor and/or register for the Lou Mitchell Memorial Golf Outing at Denison Golf Club. In the case of inclement weather, the Lou Mitchell Memorial Golf Outing will not be rescheduled. Golf vouchers will be given to each golfer, and the dinner will proceed as scheduled at 6:00 pm. Team Captains will be notified of all updates. I hope that you, your company, family, friends and neighbors will join MHALC at this event. We are very grateful for your support.
Yours for good mental health,
Penny C. Sitler Executive Director psitler@mhalc.org (740) 522-1341
Participation Options
• $3,000
Title Sponsor: This partnership includes an exclusive full color banner with your logo and information, logo in ALL player carts, a 4-person team, two golf carts, four dinners and a tee sign.
• $1,500
Tournament Sponsor: This sponsorship includes a listing of your logo and information on a full color banner, a 4-person team, two golf carts, four dinners and a tee sign.
• $750
Beverage Cart Sponsor: This level includes a large laminated version of your business card on a beverage cart, a 4-person team, two golf carts and four dinners
• $600
Tee Sponsor with a 4-person team: This level includes a tee sign, a 4-person team, two golf carts and four dinners.
• $400
Team Only: Includes a 4-person team, two golf carts and four dinners.
• $200
Tee Sponsor ONLY: This level includes a specially created tee sign for you placed at a tee.
• $100
Individual: Don’t have a team? Don’t worry—we’ll match you up to play!
• $35 per meal
Dinner Only: (Please include names of DINNER ONLY guests above)
Payment Options:
Mail check and registration form to:
Mental Health America, 65 Messimer Drive, Unit 3, Newark, Ohio 43055
2. Fax registration to (740) 522-4464 or call (740) 522-1341 to make a credit card payment.
3. Have us send your company an invoice for the amount noted above.
4. Register at www.mhalc.org and pay online with PayPal. (Click on Lou Mitchell Memorial Golf Outing).
*Please keep a copy of your registration
Board of Trustees 2020-2021
Joe Ebel, President
Mareion Royster, 1st Vice President
Brian Haught, 2nd Vice President
Matt McKenzie, Treasurer
Maura Horgan, Immediate Past President
Nathan Arnold Chad Brown Brad Copley Trevor Garber Jacquie Goumas Fox Dave Hardy Cher Jackson Deb Matesich Will McCoy Dustin Neely Christy Oprandi Mackenzie Peterson, PsyD Diana Vlachos